The Truth about CBD! What is CBD, is it legal, what CBD should I buy, | Douvalls Beauty
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The Truth about CBD! What is CBD, is it legal, what CBD should I buy, what can CBD do, will I get high?

The Truth about CBD! What is CBD, is it legal, what CBD should I buy, what can CBD do, will I get high?

We talk to Rick Messitt Co-founder of Cannafull to demystify your CBD questions, from what is CBD to will I get high? 

Rick co-founded Cannafull a company that brings together the expertise of CBD and skincare from his grandfathers great success with CBD products. Rick talks us through the different versions of CBD, where it comes from and why Douvall's and Cannafull CBD is different. 

We address supermarket CBD products, CBD gimmicks and how to make sure you are getting the right CBD for you. 

To learn more reach out to us at or Rick at or on social media. 

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